Front pageHow to apply to the L.L.L. class
  First Name Last Name Employer Job Description/Title Telephone Number Email Address Organizational Memberships Short Biography
2002 Pamela Baker (913) 651-9880      
2002 Kathi Booker (913) 682-9195      
2002 Jason Crum City of Lansing Parks and Recreation Superintendent (913) 727-2960  KS Recreation Park Assoc.  
2002 Kevin Gantt Saint Mary College Director of Information Services (913) 758-6230 ganttk@hub.smks.edut  AUSA, ROA Retired from US Army in 1999. Settled in Lvn County and began working for Saint Mary College in 2004
2002 Jeremy Greenamyre Greenamyre Rentals, Inc. Property Management/Development (913) 651-9717     
2002 Karen Harris Leavenworth Times Business Manager (913) 682-0305  Lansing Lions, Lansing PRIDE, ABWA, LLL Area resident since 1985, two grown boys, enjoy gardening, sewing and crafts
2002 Harland Russell (913) 492-0400      
2002 Debra Weaverling City of Leavenworth Personnel Specialist (913) 680-2606  Lions Club 1998, ABWA 2000, International Personnel Management Assoc., American Red Cross Volunteer and Secretary 1996, Lions Club Board member 1999 and 2001 Employed With City of Lvn since Jan 1992, four yrs AA for CID, four yrs Personnel Clerk CPO, USA Swimming coach 11 yrs, Girs high school swim coach four yrs, MO Valley female volunteer of the year 1999, City of Lvn employee of the year 1993 and 1999
2002 Teri Yunghans (913) 727-6479
2001 Lori Bailey (913) 651-0999
2001 Maria Clay (816) 858-0106
2001 Alan Collins (913) 250-0703
2001 Jeanne DeRuyscher (913) 682-0581
2001 Jesse Galvan United States Army Student, CGSC (913) 680-0788  St. Ignatius Parish Council, Lion's Club International, Publicity Chairman Cub Scout Troup 3001, USA Military Police Regimental Assn., VFW, Social Chairman CGSOC SG 11B Masters from KS State University, Army Officer Military Police, Married to Sheila, two children, Nicole, 10yrs., Jesse, 8yrs
2001 Alice Hanson Department of the Army Deputy Director, Directorate of Installation Support (913) 684-5646 
2001 Mark Jaeger Saint John Hospital Senior Executive Officer (913) 680-6014  LLL Board, Lvn-Lansing Chamber of Commerce, LVN Area Development, LVN Lions, Saint Mary College Pres. Advisory Board, Amer. College of Healthcare Exec (Certified Healthcare Executive) BS Pharmacy, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy, MBA Uof MO - Columbia, MHA U of MO - Columbia, Disney Institute Graduate School 1982-84. Entered hospital Admin in 1984, progressive 17 yrs experience as VP, COO, EVP/COO, CEO in 76-700 bed hospitals. Married 20 yrs four children
2001 Bill Petrie (913) 796-6009
2001 Tara Ruff (913) 682-2118
2001 Larry Smith Armed Forces Insurance Executive Assistant to the President (913) 727-4503  AUSA, VFW, NCOA, AMVETS, American Legion, AMS, AAAA, TREA, Navy League, Marine Corp League, Desert Storm Assoc, Blackhorse Assc, 3rd ID Assoc, AARP, Army Historical Foundation, Mason 34 years of Military Service
2001 Robyn Stewart City of Leavenworth Assistant to the City Manager/Public Information Officer (913) 680-2610 
2001 Kathryn West (913) 651-4173
2000 Greg Bakian City of Leavenworth Personnel Director (913) 680-2608  Lions club, KC metro senior softball, International Personnel Mgmt Assoc. retired form US Army after 27 yr career, worked HR Dept of UAW firm of Shook, Hardy and Bacon for 14 mos prior to the City of Lvn
2000 Patricia Benedik (913) 351-5508
2000 Peggy Capps (913) 682-0851
2000 Robert Frank (913) 651-7799
2000 Chris LeBlanc Self - Franchise owner /Branch Manager of American Express Financial Advisors (913) 651-4437  Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Columbus Born in Louisiana, 1950, graduated USMA, West Point, 1972. 20 yr. Career as Army officer, ret. 92 in Lvn, married to Jill, sons Paul 17, Dan 15
2000 Rodney Naylor (913) 682-8282
2000 Juli Oller (913) 651-4247
2000 Constance Sims (913) 727-4653
1999 Jon Crippen
1999 Mark Denney (913) 680-0671
1999 Marianne Grodberg United Way of Leavenworth County Executive Director (913) 682-2592  Cushing Hospital board Chair, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Child Protection Team Joined United Way in June, 1992. Manage Combined Federal Campaign, P.E.O. of my church. Other interest include Master Gardeners and other family and community activities
1999 Evelyn Lange Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System Admin Assistant, Planning and Information Systems (913) 895-2846  Secretary Preservation Alliance of LVN, LVN County Genealogical Society, President Mother to Mother Ministry of LVN County, Inc. Involved in LVN Community, Volunteer with Com peer program since 1989, Work fo SCLHS since 1988, serving on numerous committees, member of the Mission Fund Committee, love to keep busy
1999 Robert McDivitt VA Midwest Health Care Network, Minn. MN Chief Operating Officer (612) 725-1968  College of Healthcare Executives, American Legion post 23 2001 - present, COO VA Midwest HC Network, 1995 - 2001COO VA Eastern KS HC System
1999 L'Tanya Pugh (913) 727-3368
1999 Sister Barbara Schrader (913) 682-5151
1999 Wayne Simien (913) 651-2373
1998 Karalin Alsdurf (913) 651-2111
1998 Tisha Bay (913) 682-1334
1998 Jon Brzon (913) 682-5897
1998 Rolland Dessert, Jr
1998 Debra Eyerly Twin Oak and Twin Oak Assisted Living Executive Director (913) 727-6100 Women's Division, Board of Directors 200-2001, and Beautification Committee, of the Chamber of Commerce Opened Twin Oaks Assisted living in 1999, Married for 22 yrs with one son. Enjoy outdoors working in the yard with flowers and spending time with my family
1998 Michael Nixon Armed Forces Insurance Directory, Agency (913) 727-4660  Borard of Directors - Carnegie Arts Center, Board of Director - Leavenworth Lansing Leadership Leavenworth HS class of 1977, Emporia State University class of 1981, Employed Armed Forces Insurance since 1982, married with two children
1998 Karen Qualley (913) 727-6621
1997 Carol Ayers (913) 682-8736
1997 Ed Baldwin (913) 651-2822
1997 Kimberly Brown (913) 682-8306
1997 Catey Edwards Leavenworth USD 453 Communications Coordinator (913) 684-1400  Juvenile Corrections advisory board, Leavenworth county Human Service council 1997 director of Project Freedom a substance abuse prevention program through the Guidance Center.
1997 Linda Garlinger (913) 651-7806
1997 Brent Padgett (913) 727-3266
1997 Joe Sebes (913) 727-2902
1997 Peggy Seifert Armed Forces Insurance Director Customer Service Teams (913) 727-4645  CPCU Society
1997 Steve Stich (913) 651-5864
1997 Rita Swann (913) 758-0304
1996 Caroline Arter (913) 684-0157
1996 Kimberly Baker (913) 727-2535
1996 Edward Baldwin (913) 651-2822
1996 Wanda Beamon (913) 727-2805
1996 Arlen Briggs Armed Forces Insurance Asst. Vice President, Finance (913) 727-4304 
1996 Connie Fields (913) 651-7960
1996 Sharon Henke (913) 727-2443
1996 James Hoffman (913) 682-7623
1996 Pat Hughes (913) 727-1690
1996 Russell Mulholland (913) 727-5589
1996 Sharon Schwinn (913) 682-3998
1996 Eric Thompson Missouri Air National Guard C-130 Navigator (916) 651-7835  MO Air Guard Officers Assn Born and raised in Leavenworth. LHS 82 grad. Graduated KU 1990, LVN City commission 1995-99, Mayor 1997 - 1998, Worked for Cronicle Shopper 1994-1998, Air Guard 1998 to present.
1996 Nancy Thompson (913) 682-1795
1996 David Todd U S Army Maintenance Supervisor Ft. LVN (913) 684-7502  President LVN County Fair Assoc., Lvn County Extension Council executive Board, Community Club Leader, Bell4-H Club, St Paul Lutheran School Board Lifelong Lvn area resident, civil service for 23 yrs. Active with County fair and 4-H activities. Wife susan and sons Ryan 13, Caleb 10. Members of St Paul Lutheran Church
1996 Mark Uhart Sprint Corporation Industry Market Manager (913) 727-5317  1994 US Army retired LTC, 1994-97 Technology consulting self employed, Telecom Technology Assoc., 1997-99 Sprint Education Mngt Western region, 1999-present Sprint Industry Market Mgn, National
1994 Gary Allsup (913) 758-0319
1994 Andrea Auvil Department of the Army Management Analyst (913) 684-8529  Kiwanis, American Business Woman's Assoc., Daughters of the American Revolution, LLL, American Society of Military Comptrollers Raised in a military environment, Graduated from Immaculata and Saint Mary College. Human Services worker for five yrs., received masters and offered an internship in auditing. Current position comprised of building chemical units and basis of issure plans. I have 2 cats, green is favorite color.
1994 Lauren Baeten (913) 682-1709
1994 Chet Clubine
1994 Kyle Deere (913) 727-2949
1994 Ron Gant (913) 682-7757
1994 Jeffrey Goering (913) 982-6105
1994 Sharon Haycock (913) 682-4623
1994 Vic Henke, Jr (913) 727-2443
1994 Sue Higgins (913) 682-3162
1994 Forrest Holdeman (913) 727-1205
1994 Bill Katzenberger City of Leavenworth Director of Parks and Recreation (913) 651-2203  Lvn Lions, KS Recreation and parks assoc., National Recreation and Parks Assoc., Salvation Army board BS and MS from Indiana State Univ, Director of Parks and Recreation since 1976, married to barbara, two grown children
1994 James Kluender American Express Financial Advisors, Inc. Certified Financial Planner (913) 651-4437 James L.  The financial planning Assoc. Born in Minesota Lake, MN. Served in KS National Guard 64 - 68, U. S. Army 68 - 91. Joined Am Ex Financial Advisor in 91. Specialize in Financial, Investment, retirement and Estate planning, and risk management. Hobbies, model railroading, wood working & landscape gardening
1994 Wesley Ludwig City of Leavenworth, Public Works Public Works Operations Supt (913) 651-5948  U.S. Army Engineer Regimental Assoc, Engineer Officer Candidate Assn, American Public Works Assn, American Legion, Lions Club Retired COL, Corps of Engineers USA 27 yrs Active Duty. President Lions Club. President Elect LVN Co Historical Soc. 02 - 04
1994 Vill McGaha (913) 597-5209
1994 Sister Ann McGuire (913) 682-2505
1994 Ronald Oyer
1994 J. Reilly (913) 491-6735
1994 Karen Russ (913) 651-4404
1994 Gary Russ (913) 651-4404
1994 George Satterlee (913) 651-4801
1994 John Schukman (913) 727-5141
1994 Pat Scott-Baumgarten (913) 721-2245
1994 James Seymour (913) 651-0898
1994 Carol Sharp (913) 682-5978
1994 Sister Mary Talle Saint John Hospital
1994 Al Tayrien (913) 651-4825
1994 Dan Wiley (913) 758-1840
1994 Eugenia Winkelbauer (913) 682-9090
1994 Freda Zappa (913) 682-6973
1994 Elizabeth Zupancic (913) 651-7077
1993 Kay Anderson (913) 682-1752
1993 Ardith Bequette (913) 682-1764
1993 Mitch Boyle
1993 Richard Branstrator (913) 684-1400
1993 Ed Chapman, III (913) 651-2704
1993 David Chartier (913) 727-6738
1993 Pat Coschignano (913) 651-7442
1993 David Davis (913) 651-3817
1993 Rick Dodson U. S. Army Civilian Management Analyst (913) 727-5302  Lansing Lions, Lansing City council member, American Legion, VFW, ROA Graduated from Stephen I Austin State Univ, masters from Univ of Southern CA, active Army 1972-1983. Civil Service Ft. LVN since 1983, KS Army NG 1985-2000, Army Reserve 2000-2002, Wife Rumi and sons Mike and Chris
1993 Benny Doyal (913) 724-1112
1993 Larry Fitts
1993 Linda Flanagan (913) 651-3176
1993 Jerry Gies (913) 682-4217
1993 Richard Good (913) 727-5585
1993 Joyce Jordan
1993 Erlys Moe (913) 682-1900
1993 Suzanne Mohrmann USD 453 Leavenworth Schools Librarian (913) 684-1520  National Education Assoc., United States Synchronized Swimming Assoc., Episcopal Church of America Mother of 3 grown children , worked in libraries for over 16 yrs., 12 yrs in public schools.
1993 Michael Neve (913) 727-2384
1993 Mark Norris (913) 682-2929
1993 Bob Patzwald (913) 682-1271
1993 Sharon Schwinn (913) 682-3998
1993 Ella Tayrien (913) 651-4825
1992 Becky Aldinger (913) 682-4921
1992 Mary Archer Volunteer in many organizations (913) 772-2793  LLL Board, St. Mary College Scholarship Friends Board, Mother to Mother 6 yrs board chair for Hospice , Lvn sponsor for France with CGSC 27yrs, Court appointed special advocate in Juvenile Court
1992 Ruth Bennion (913) 682-2265
1992 Kathy Berg (913) 682-8680
1992 Janel Borg (913) 727-1883
1992 Karl Brown, Jr (913) 727-1563
1992 Jo Burkett Lvn Co American Red Cross Executive Director (913) 682-6222  Rotary 210 of Lvn, ABWA-Rainbow Chapter, Lvn Public Library treasurer, first United Methodist Church Graduate of the University of TN, taught school in various states and Germany, joined Red Cross as director in 1990
1992 Dick Cameron State Farm Insurance President (913) 727-5385  President Lansing Kiwanis Club, NE KS Assn of Ins and Financial Advisors, Board member Lvn-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce, Asst Scout Master, Endowment committee First Presbyterian Church, Lvn Country Club Graduate of KS State University 1974, State Farm Agent since 1984, Married with one son
1992 Phil Chiles Hallmark Cards, Inc. Quality Manager (913) 727-6692  Leavenworth-Lansing Chamber of Commerce, United Way Board of Directors, American Red Cross Board(transition yrs.), Leavenworth Lions Club, Active member First Baptist Church, City of Lansing Economic Development Committee Life long resident of Kansas, living in the Lansing/Leavenworth area for over 30 yrs. Worked for Hallmark for 32 yrs. BS from KS State University.
1992 Sharon Concannon (913) 682-3871 
1992 Max Coschignano (913) 651-7442
1992 Lee Doehring (913) 651-2260
1992 Robert Gering (913( 774-7373
1992 Janette Holdeman (913) 727-1205
1992 David Hoppes (913) 682-2585
1992 Larry Lawson (913) 727-3311
1992 Ralph Little (913) 651-0420
1992 Will Lundbert (913) 727-3205
1992 Janice Nelson (913) 651-7605
1992 Kathy Nietzke (913) 682-8680
1992 Gary Ortiz (913) 651-5837
1992 Candy Ruff KS House of Representatives State Representative (913) 682-6390  Council of State Coorernments, Governor's work force development board, LVN Lions Club - first woman member Elected to KS house 1992 - 2000, Lvn Times lifestyles editor 1982-1992, Social work with Elderly & Family services 1971-1982, Married to Gregory, four children 7 grandchildren
1992 Linda Scheer (913) 682-0422
1992 Klaus Schmidt (913) 682-7000
1992 Brenda Sheumaker (913) 651-8341
1992 Rhonda Tomlinson (913) 682-0305
1992 Barbara Trimble (913) 682-0305
1992 Sandra Van Hoose (913) 651-2250
1992 Blaine Weeks The Guidance Center, Inc. Business Administration Chief Financial Officer (913) 727-1112  1984 Grad LHS, Varsity Basketball, 1988 Grad KU, member Delta Chi faternity, 1988 married Merry Weeks, two children Chelsea 10, Riley 5
1992 John Wendel (913) 727-1030
1992 Sister Amy Wilcott
1992 David Zupancic Self CPA (913) 682-3000 AICPA, KSCPA
1991 Jerry Ayres Coldwll Banker - Reilly & Sons Associate Broker (913) 682-2567  Nat Assn of Realtors, KS Assn of Realtors, Lvn Co Board of Realtors, State Dir of CREA, Elks, Eagles, Hold GRI, CRS, CRB and ABRM Designations in Real Estate Masters degree from E MI U, retired Justice Dpt in 87, two children, 6 grandchildren. Also work on contract basis with Northrup Gromman - Military exercises and travel the world
1991 John Baeuchle (913) 651-4981
1991 David Banks (913) 682-2567
1991 Patrick Cahill (913) 684-0480
1991 Darrell Darr (913) 727-3277
1991 Larry Day (913) 682-1410
1991 Roberta French (913) 682-0836
1991 Joan Gawrych (913) 682-4174
1991 Louis Gehring (913) 682-9853
1991 Mary Hegarty (913) 682-3721
1991 Rita Kowalewski MidAmerican Bank Vice President (913) 682-0001  Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Leavenworth Catholic School Board of Trustees Life time resident of Lvn County, Married to James, have two children. Been in banking 25 yrs.
1991 Winnie Lichtenwalter (913) 727-6669
1991 Pat McGinn
1991 James McKinney (913) 682-0662
1991 Cindy Medill (913) 682-7678
1991 Sister Jane Mehrens (913) 651-8060
1991 Andrea Nelson-Pawlowski (913) 727-3105
1991 Robert Palmer Armed Foreces Insurance Deputy Director, Advertising & Communications (913) 727-4672 
1991 Beverly Pruter (613) 727-2330
1991 Jon Rosell
1991 Gregory Ruff (613) 682-6390
1991 Donald Schultz (913) 727-1451
1991 Mike Smith (913) 727-3000
1991 David Thompson The Cronicle Shopper Publisher (913) 682-1334   Lvn Kiwanis Club board member, Lvn Lansing Chamber of Commerce, United Way Board Lvn chapter, Cushing Hospital Board & Vice Chairman Started with Chronicle Shopper in 1968 at age 12. Purchased Chronicle in 1979, Sold in 1998. Attended Lvn Catholic grade schools and Lvn High School. Married to Marilyn and have two children, Michale 19, and Kevin 15
1991 David Winans (913) 682-5932
1991 Tom Winkelbauer (913) 772-9465
1991 Peggy Zoch (913) 727-6569
1990 Dawn Allison (913) 682-3721
1990 Theresa Brittingham (913) 651-9637
1990 John Campbell (913) 651-7733
1990 Paula Endress
1990 Charles Hill (913) 727-6621
1990 Janet Horsky (913) 682-9123
1990 Kay Hunter
1990 Jack Kochenour Kochenour Realty Co. Broker (913) 727-5324  ROA, Life member Optimist Inernational, NE Kansas Board of Realtors Retired Army Officer, Married with 3 daughters, past director of LLL
1990 Patricia Kowalewski-Oatley (913) 651-8719
1990 Charlotte Landry (913) 682-1983
1990 Dean Littell (913) 727-5235
1990 Robert Lowry City of Overland Park, KS Director of public works (913) 895-6219  American public works association, American society of public administrators, National society of professional engineers, Society of american milinary engineers, United Methodist Church 26 yrs U. S. Army, retired in 1991 from Ft. Lvn. Mariied to Dottie; 3 sons - steve, david, phil, one grand daughter
1990 Lorna Mathison Community Program Management Trainer (913) 727-3215  Board member Arts in Prison, First Presbyterian Church choir, Heartland Presbytery Commion Church order and Listening P. E. O. Sisterhood Born in Alma, MI, BA College of Wooster, OH, MS Gallaudet University, Washington DC, married with two sons. Retired July 1, 2001, as director of Education, Lansing Correctional Facility.
1990 Norman Mc Leod Retired (913) 682-3491  Lions Club, Episcopal Church, TROA, Camber of Commerce Ambassadors USAA, 1st Cav Div Assn, Citadel Alumni Assn, DAV, American Legion, 25th Inf Div Assn Born 1937, Grad HS 1955, Grad the Citadel 1959, Active Duty Officer US Army retired 1984. Served as VP for Loan Services and VP of Special Assets at Mutual Savings Assn until retirement in 2000
1990 Michael McGraw (913) 727-6692
1990 Donald Murphy (913) 682-7184
1990 Gary Nelson (913) 651-7605
1990 George Olson
1990 James Onello
1990 Wesley Pool (913) 682-7354
1990 Betty Semple Retired (913) 682-8909 PEO, Cushing Aux BS from CMSU, grad work UMC, UMSL, & KU. Taught in St Louis County 16 yrs., Charleston, MO 2yrs. Southern CA 1yr. Exe. Dir. YWCA of Lvn 81 - 90, Served on City Planning Commission 90 - 93, Active in Operation International 79 - 01, Director AOC
1990 Sandra Simmons (913) 682-6064
1990 Joseph Thorne (913) 651-5300
1990 Shirley Vosseler (913) 682-9276
1990 Michael Waszak (913) 248-0768
1989 Nancy Bauder Leavenworth Main Street Progam, Inc. Executive Director (913) 682-3924  Leavenworth Lions, Board of Yourth Achievement Center BS Medical Technology, MS Business & Management, Registered Medical Technologist, Clinic Mgr & Risk Mgr Health Midwest KC. Executive Director Kansas for Highway Safety, President National Coalition for School Bus Safety
1989 Jeffrey Baxter (913) 682-7343
1989 Juanita Brundy (913) 682-6507
1989 Gerald Carder (913) 651-3993
1989 Bob Dixon (913) 651-0188
1989 Marietta Gregor (913) 651-2008
1989 Michael Jeannin (913) 682-2567
1989 Ellen Jones (913) 727-3575
1989 Virginia Latta (913) 682-8653
1989 Sam Maxwell (913) 682-7263
1989 Julia McQuillan (913) 651-2203
1989 Carol Page RE/MAX Crossroads Reality Associate Broker (913) 727-3888  Women's Division Chamber of Commerce Lvn/Lansing Ambassador, KS Assoc. of Realtors Honor Society 1993-2001, Women's Council of Realtors KS & Tri-county chapters, past president of each & KS Governor Graduated form KSTC, Emporia in 1966, lived in FL, CA & VA, returning to KS in 1977. Established The Page Patch with husband and two daughters, Have three grandchildren
1989 Mark Pentz (913) 651-5020
1989 Max Pittman (913) 651-8984
1989 Ron Romig (913) 682-9086
1989 Wolf Schmidt (913) 727-6413
1989 Gina Shehorn (913) 682-1410
1989 Carolyn Singleton (913) 651-4264
1989 Jack Walker Off Garrison Commander, Fort Leavenworth Deputy (913) 684-3732  AUSA, TROA, American Legion, DAV, VFW, Lions, BSA Retired Military 1980, Chair Lvn City Planning Comm., Director Citizen S & L Assoc, Director Armed Forces Insurance Co., Vice Chair Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs, Lvn Co Chapter Chair, American Red Cross
1988 Patricia Barnhardt (913) 651-6511
1988 Ron Bates (913) 682-1334
1988 Dee Brown
1988 Pamela Burton (913) 727-3728
1988 Bob Christianson (913) 682-0001
1988 Ron Ernzen (913) 727-3888
1988 John Finnell
1988 Gerald Frietchen Armed Forces Insurance Vice President - Risk Management (913) 727-4655  Kansas Pilots Association Pres, Kansas Pilots Assoc, Pres Lvn Chapter Pilots Assoc, Pres St. Joseph I. C. Parish Council, Pres Armed Forces Ins Agency, Board of Directors Advance Ins. Co.
1988 David Greenamyre (913) 682-7000
1988 Charlie Gregor (913) 682-4112
1988 Bremda Grodberg (913) 651-3851
1988 Kathy Hiatt (913) 727-1528
1988 C. Hutchinson Consultant Consultant College Professor- Sales/Management (785) 466-2271  Council Grove, KS Rotary, KS Assoc of Broadcasters, ROA, American Legion, Chairman Morris County Republican Party, Former Chairman LVN Republican Party Live on farm where born and raised in Morris County KS, BS in Broadcasting KSU 1956, MS Management Salve Regina University 1984, 33 yrs Military service, Retired Ft. LVN 1986, 40 yrs broadcasting, owned radio station in Iowa and Kansas, Elected to KS Silver Haired Legislature in 2001
1988 Randall Kenton (913) 682-7000
1988 Rick Kimbrough (913) 682-0001
1988 Darlene LaMay (913) 682-4921
1988 Lois Mein (913) 682-2265
1988 Rick Schneider First National Bank Senior Vice President (913) 727-1341  Lvn Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Lvn Region Catholic School Board of Directors, Lvn Country Club Board of Directors Lifelong Lvn resident, Garduate of KS State University, Married with two sons, active in coaching little league
1988 Wayne Shehorn (913) 682-1410
1988 Toni Stevens (913) 727-2311
1988 Douglas Waters (913) 682-3236
John Baker Cubic Applications Inc. Training Specialist IV (913) 682-8201  American Legion, Leavenworth Lion's Club Retired military officer, 23 yrs. Active duty. Masters Degrees in General Administration and Counseling Education. Member of the Corps Battle Simulation Fielding Team for the National Simulation Center Support Team

A Program of Your Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce

Leavenworth-Lansing Area Chamber of Commerce
518 Shawnee, P.O. Box 44,  Leavenworth, Kansas 66048,  (913) 682-4112, FAX: 682-8170, E-mail
Representing the Communities of Lansing, Leavenworth and Fort Leavenworth.

Copyright 2004 Leavenworth Area Development. All rights reserved.
Revised: 05/19/05.

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